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Friday, October 24, 2008

Two must have programs for managing Windows Startup.

I was watching TechTV (now G4) one day and I believe it was on The Screensavers show, where they would show off a really cool piece of software.

They had shown Startup Control Panel which is a very cool tool. What it does is, it manages what you want and do not want to start up on your Windows machine. It does way more than msconfig. It actually allows you to add things to startup vs msconfig that only allows you to modify things already added. What's really cool however, is how to adds it self to your control panel where you adjust other Windows things. This is of course, why it has Control Panel in it's name. I also like the feature that if you delete an item from startup, it puts it in Deleted, until you permently delete it, kinda like the Windows Recycle Bin. This is nice for accidental deletion.

The other cool program is called CodeStuff Starter which does basically everything that Startup Control Panel does, except it is added to the Start Menu -> (All) Programs. I prefer this program because it seems to give you way more options. This program allows for way more customization then Startup Control Panel although, I wish it went to your Control Panel also.

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