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Monday, May 24, 2010


Do you wish that your bookmarks could by synced between your browsers, so that you would have the exact same bookmarks on each browser you use?

Do you also wish, you could use your bookmarks on a browser that you are not permitted to install a toolbar or anything else?

Well check out Delicious which is a free social media bookmarking site by Yahoo, so it allows you to create an account or use your Yahoo ID.

You can install their toolbar in various browsers including Firefox and Chrome. You can go to and see all your bookmarks on the go.

Give it a try along with StumbleUpon and you most likely will end up with a huge bookmark list of great websites.


Do you get bored with the Internet? I mean do you know there are really cool websites out there, yet you just don't know their names to go to them?

Well check out StumbleUpon which through the use of a toolbar on your browser allows you to sign up for an account and tell it your interests.

After that, you simply click Stumble on the toolbar and it will send you to pages that other users with your same interests recommended and you will get a continious flow of interesting websites that you can bookmark on Delicious, more on that in a later post.

Linux Live USB Creator (LiLi)

Would you love to have bootable Linux USB stick that works as a LiveCD that automatically detects hardware and works on any system, but saves changes like packages you install and scripts you write?

Well check out Linux Live USB Creator (LiLi) at here which runs on Windows and can even can go find the fastest mirror and download the ISO of the Linux of your choice.

The entire software is designed to guide you through and is basically click and play.

WARNING: So that your thumb drive is not warn out quickly, many parts including the kernel are read-only, so DO NOT attempt to upgrade your entire system, especially kernel as you will completely break your thumb drive and have to remake it.

Easy way around this is to only upgrade certain packages for example in Debian/Ubuntu apt-get install xchat2, would only upgrade that single package, vs apt-get upgrade and/or apt-get dist-upgrade.

Debian/Ubuntu LiveCD

Do you wish that you could have a Debian/Ubuntu LiveCD that has exactly the software that you wanted besides what comes by default, for system administrator or maybe you need software for school like CISCO Packet Tracer.

The easiest way to do this, is to either install Debian/Ubuntu or one of it's derivatives on a physical machine like you normally install it or install it inside VirtualBox, VMWare, or other emulation software, if you don't have a free physical machine.

After you install the OS and set up all the software you want and configure it to your liking, simply follow these instructions at here at UbuntuGeek.

You can do either a LiveCD with your own personal settings (backup) or one for your friends (dist). You can also install it back to your hard drive later.